Why is it important to have a separate tax id number or EIN Number for your business…
Applying for a tax id number is important because it
provides the business owner the opportunity to separate personal and business
expenses and use the opportunities afforded to business owners..
Here are some advantages of using a tax id number:
1. 1. Personally separate yourself from the operations
of the company
2. 2. Not providing your social security number to
vendors you are doing business with
3. 3. Opening a business bank account requires a tax
id number
4. 4. Need to obtain a credit card for business
operations, you will need a tax id number
5. 5. Bringing on employees? Payroll tax payments
require a tax id number
6. 6. Business licenses to operate in your state or
local county need tax id info
7. 7. Tax returns for the business require a tax id
Although applying for a tax id number isn’t required as long
as the entity type doesn’t change, getting a tax id number can help prevent
identity theft and avoid being classified as an independent contractor.
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